Friday, October 10, 2008

Monumentous MOM day!

Today Griffin blew his nose into a tissue. I feel like jumping up and down, popping open some champagne and celebrating like it's New Year's! This is huge. He has had a sad little runny nose for about 2 weeks now and detests me wiping or even getting a tissue or towel near him. Luckily (or not) I have had a cold too which has left the "teachable moment" for blowing one's nose into a tissue wide open. Each time I grab one I colorfully explain to Griffin how fun it is to blow out the snot from my nose into one of these amazing little things the modern world refers to as a tissue. This morning at approximately 9:30am he took a liking to my idea and blew some snot himself(into a tissue of course). I am so proud. If there was one available I would put a "proud parent of kid who can blow his nose into tissue" bumper sticker on my car. I told Ryan when he pees in the toilet I am throwing one huge party. Sometimes it's hard to believe that I am already to this point in life, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that I love these little milestones and being a mom seems more fitting and gratifying everyday....

1 comment:

andrea said...

I always knew you would be the world's BEST mom!

love you!