Yesterday......1 year ago....... May 1, 2007 I was in complete misery! I had a GIANT baby in my belly, swollen ogre feet, no clothes that fit, and the ability to only sleep from about 3am to 6am....and there are others symptoms, but I won't go into details! Yesterday, May 1, 2008 my beautiful son took his first steps....two actually....for me, getting to be there was like getting to be present as the first man walked on the moon! What a difference 1year makes!
I thought I would put up this post "I just walked" pic of Griff, it truly does speak a thousand words....if you know Griffin, it captures him just about perfect.... he always brings his smile (bearing 2 bottom teeth), his curly fly aways(sorry hunny, those are from me), and some drool down his shirt...along with other mystery stains! The most beautiful mess I have ever seen. Happy first steps on the road to thousands of others!
not one! but two!
you have an overachiever on your hands guys...look out...oh my.
he is beautiful. and perfect. in every way. can't wait to see it myself.
Great to see you guys last night! Pretty soon he'll be running all over the place. Love you!
He is so adorable. The curly hair, round face. Such a perfect blend of you both. Miss you so much and think about you often.
What a cutie!
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