Today I am 31 weeks Preggers!
AHHHHH!! YEAH! That means at the most, baby Sawyer will be in my arms in less than 7 weeks from this morning! This is exciting because I can't wait to hold him, kiss him, see what he looks like, show him to Griffy, share another BIG moment with Ryan, witness a miracle, see a glimpse of God....and I have to say GET THIS MELON OUTTA MY TUMMY!:)
This morning I got my weekly "baby center" email which stated that my baby at 31 weeks should be approximately 3.3 pounds. I went into my doctors today for a weight check ultra sound and they predicted that baby Bean weighs about 4.9 at the moment. Oh, just a touch larger than average...just growing at a rapid speed...just waiting for him to explode right out of me! Haha! The tech said he's on his way to being bigger than Griffy (10 lbs 14 oz). PLEASE NO! It was awesome to see him again, although he's too big to really understand what you are seeing on the ultrasound screen now. Griff & my mom came in too, and I think G man was very confused about what he got to see, considering we told him we were going to look at his brother....more like some black and white blobs! Poor guy, he was so patient through it!
I have to say, if that's the worst news I get for the rest of this pregnancy, I'll take it! So far all looks good and healthy...heart beat is strong, organs look good and all is in the right place! So blessed!
I will keep you posted...sometime soon, there will be a plump new little Eccleston on the way to our house!
Please pray I can stand the stretching I am going to need to do here in the next few weeks, that blood sugars stay in control and that he arrives safely!
I feel your pain with carrying a large baby - Greyson was 9 lbs 6oz and I delivered him vaginally (with the blessing of an epidural) and looks like our little lady will be a big one, too...already 7+ lbs and in the 90th percentile.
i don't think there is anything cuter than you with a babe in your belly! love the pics! will continue to pray that you and the bean stay healthy and these next 7 weeks are comfortable ones for you momma!
OK catching up on blogs- first of all, Sawyer? I LOVE it!! That is one of my favs!
And second- you are so cute! I wish I could give your melon/baby belly a big kiss!
Keep me posted!
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