It is now about the middle of March. In December I would have thought, WOW, that is so close to baby, almost there. Yet from where I stand now, it still seems FOREVER away. The phrase, "I can't do that until after I have baby C" is one I use over and over again to all 3 of my boys, poor guys. They are hanging in there though. We have doctors appointments and low key time at home and crazy errand days so we get done all of our "TO DOS" before baby. I know the weeks are flying but it also seems like time is kind of standing still until she gets here! Griffin said this morning that he can't wait until his sister is here! I was so relieved to hear not only that he isn't resentful (yet!) but he is also excited! He is such an easy going guy and I am lucky he just rolls with everything. In the midst of all things baby prep we have managed to find some fun things to keep us going as well. Here are just a few pics from my phone that give a small highlight of life lately. I've been bad at taking pictures and blogging but at least I have a recap stored in that little machine!

Here are the boys with Graham Tigulis, my best friend since Jr. High's little guy! Andrea & I try and get together as often as we can (which isn't nearly enough) but keep up through the more than occasional texts that always seem to start with, "if only you were my neighbor..."! They live in Indiana! It's always so fun to catch up & see our boys together, who would have thought!!???!!
Things at Griffin's school have also kept us rocking and rolling. We made pirate Valentines for his class this year and he had a blast at the party passing out and receiving cards!

He's also been super busy working on all his letters and for Valentine's Day he brought us home one of the sweetest things we'll ever receive on paper....

our first written "I LOVE YOU"! He's also doing awesome on his name! His teachers have sent home a few notes and told us how proud of Griffin they are for all the he has achieved this year, how great he is progressing & for what a good listener he is. It has made us very proud too! Now we just gotta get in those listening skills at home:)!
Last week in honor of the GREAT Dr. Seuss's birthday there was something fun each day! On Monday it was silly sock day, so naturally we made super hero socks and Griff wore his Green Lantern shirt (which by the way, is his FAV! He requests either this or his Bulls shirt everyday and is devastated when both are dirty!!)!

Wednesday was PJ day and I got to come in and help in Griffin's room! It was really fun to see him and his class in action and Friday it was hat day! We also had some green eggs one night after he read the book in class that day and had a very colorful chat about where the green eggs had come from!:)
And we got to see Coop in this last month a few times! His mom & dad were in and out of town for several wedding showers so we got in lots of good Cooper smiles. We love our cousin and can't wait to play more!

And lastly, I ran across this book and had to take a pic of it. I need to read it and let it soak in. I have realized that no matter how hard I try, one me isn't going to accomplish all that needs to get done in 24 hours. Especially when I add one more, so I am just trying to do and enjoy what I can. It isn't always easy to let things go, but some things just aren't as important as playing
"I SPY" and watching your boys laugh together! Here's to hoping the next few weeks go by smoothly and in the next few posts we have a baby!