Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

Happy Halloween
2010..."that Halloween was real real fun!" -Griffin

We had a great week of events! Griffin had an "orange & black" party at school and I got to be the parent helper! It was so cute and he had a great time! We played some games, had orange and black snacks, and painted a pumpkin patch! His favorite activity?? Ghost bowling!

On Friday Ryan & I tried to have our very first date night since before we had Sawyer, but in the middle of the movie we went to see we got a call that Beanie was hysterical and wouldn't calm down, so we went home to sooth our sweet boy...we'll try again soon!

Sunday we had a jam packed day with church, Trick or Treating and lunch out down town Naperville, and then Trick or Treating around the neighborhood. Griffin LOVED it this year and was super into it! When we told him it was time to eat dinner after we were out he said, "hold on, me need to finish my candy first!"! Ha ha! Oh to be a kid again, he was really planning on eating every piece tonight! He got lots of chocolate this year, so he may be fighting off mom and dad for a few bites! Beanie lasted only a few houses before sleepiness set in, or according to Ryan, the sadness came from the "tights" he was wearing! They were so cute though, come on! Overall, our little duck and fire fighter had a great night and we loved sharing it with them. I can't believe it's over already! We decided what we are really going to miss is Griffin announcing randomly all month, "Halloween gonna be here any minute??!!" It seemed like it passed by in just a minute! And he's already onto talking about Christmas:)!

1 comment:

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! The 'tights'. hahaaaaa. OH Ryan. =)