Monday, November 24, 2008

Deck the Halls!!!

So we started to decorate for Christmas this weekend. Don't judge me....we are going to be very busy next weekend and we want to enjoy it for the full season....and ok, I just couldn't wait any longer....sorry! We're not all the way done....and seriously this is a lot to go through for one holiday, but so worth serioulsy does make me jolly. This is the first year that Griffy can really participate in all the hoopla and it's the first one at our own house with him, so we
tried to get him invovled. Here's what we have so far....

*3 broken ornaments
*1 very annoyed daddy because mommy made him put up and extra tree and then individually scew in each wasn't so bad, ok it wasn't great!
*1 glittery NOEL sign thrown in the washer without mom knowing, and it got washed (now daddy's work clothes have holiday spirit too!)
*1 high heeled crocodile whose high heel has been broken off....don't ask, it is seriously my favorite decoration though...I think a little super glue may fix the problem!
*1 little Happy Holiday Helper.....

Ho! Ho! Ho! I love this holiday!

Ah....the holidays are here! Can't believe it, can't wait!
Enjoy your turkey days everyone!

Putting up the angel with daddy's help!

I'm tired....decorating is hard work....and so is pulling it all down!

Friday, November 21, 2008

An update from Griffin: My first Chop!

Hello my fabulous family & friends,

Griffin here again. Just wanted to brief you on yet another "first" in my short little life. The other morning when mommy came to get me from my crib she noticed that I had several lovely locks in my eyes and hanging down mid-nose. I was irritatedly trying to move them out of the way so I could see her happy smile and more importantly locate my morning milk. She decided it was time for my first hair cut. Although daddy and mommy love my curls it was time for a tiny trim they said. So off to the barbers I went. When we got there I sat in a green race car, they strapped me in and I was get a chop! Mommy brought her camera so we could capture this monumental event, but when she turned it on she realized there wasn't a memory card in it. She panicked for a minute, but never fear....for the mere price of 4 dollars the salon supplied us with a certificate and pic of the event...what a deal. So, here I am...with a few less hairs...but even more curls! I think I look pretty mature and mommy and daddy like it too! What do you think?

Love to you,
Griffin A.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


#1. a date with my hubby that he planned...think a few moments of adult convo, stir fry, and a dessert called "death by chocolate" from a place that only serves chocolate.....i seriously almost did die.

#2. seeing my sister...someone who really gets me...or does a good job trying.

#3. my little peanut all smiles...exploring and loving something new.

4. Nebraska friends!! Nothing like a few of the college family stopping by to make your weekend.
(Emily, Susan, Griffy, Ab, & Milano)

5. The holidays are almost here...we heard our 1st Christmas tunes of the season....and it snowed for the first time.

Just a few things I have to be thankful for lately.....we had a nice laid back weekend just hanging together...highly anticipating what the next few weeks, the first fluffy snow, and the magic of it all will bring! How lucky we are to have a God that (if we look....sometimes it's easier than others) gives us sweet things to smile about everyday.
On the un-thankful side....does laundry ever end???:)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

...more Halloween Happenings

Part 2: The Real Deal

Now onto the 31st....Our first chance at Trick or Treating! I would love to tell you that Griffin hammed it up and loved it but I think he still needs another year or two to really embrace the full delight that Halloween truly is. Also, he was cutting a tooth and had a really hard time with it, so he smiled for a few pictures and then moped around to a few houses with a really sad and pathetic look on his face. After about 3 houses where Ryan had to open up and hold out the terry cloth pumpkin shaped treat sack we were ready to head home, but hey, at least we tried right! There's always next year! TRICK OR TREAT!!

The first and only transfer of the night is made! Halloween history!

Halloweeny Happenings....

Part #1: The Prep Work
To prepare for Halloween this year we partook in the age old tradition of carving a pumpkin last weekend. Of coarse I had planned this out for weeks, found a wonderfully plump and perfectly round pumpkin, and visions of candy corn and pumpkin seeds danced in my head as I envisioned us as a cute little family carving this prized beauty into an award winning toothy grin. We would put a little candle in his hollow tummy and his happy little face would illuminate the rest of our night......
Here my friends, is a snapshot by snapshot dipiction of what actually happend:

Griffin poses with Eccleston pumpkin comes some good old fashion family fun!

Ryan scoopes out pumpkin, Griffin takes one look in and is not as interested as he was in this "pre" shot.

This spoon is much more exciting....

You know what else is exciting? Spooning pumpkin guts onto the floor!

Here Ryan is explaining to me that we should draw on a detailed picture of the face before we carve it....and where I simultaneously decide that I am totally just going to eyeball it.

So eyeballing it was a mistake of gargantuous proportions, the nose is now all we have room for and it's crooked.....

Ryan, clearly extremely irritated, is pondering what we can do to recoup this and reiterating that we should have drawn out the face before making any cuts. I am agreeing in my head, trying not to laugh, and not admitting he was very right. All while Griffin is scooping more seeds onto the floor and then falls off the chair he was on......all parties are somewhat miserable.

...but we aren't quitters and we forge on to create some kind of Halloween memory, if only through pictures.

If you would just cooperate for one picture.....

Ahhh....there we go, good ole fashion family fun, just the way it was supposed to be, crooked nose and all.

I guess this is what I get for watching a few too many Martha Stewart Halloween specials. I start hearing things in my head like, oh I could sprinkle that ghoulish gourd in glitter for a fun Halloween treat....ridiculous, Martha it never turns out your way for me....I need an intervention! What I would like to call this night is a typical "Eccleston Family Special" where I make Ryan get on board for something ridiculous and he goes along with it because he loves me and is a great husband. Then things go classically amiss , there's a small disagreement, we patch things up and smile for a picture at the end. Hey,it's not perfect, but it's ours.....welcome to our family....

I was pretty sure I could manipulate these pics to make it look like a very charming experience, but I thought you would probably enjoy and believe the truth more:)!