Sunday, June 8, 2008

another prayer request.....

So I have another one. That "other" family member I wrote about on the blog just a week or so ago is not in our house tonight. Our dog, Maci, is missing. We left for the weekend and she stayed at my parents with a dog sitter. While the sitter was walking her, Maci pulled out of her collar and hit the road. This is really unlike her. She never runs from us, but it was a new person and she was probably just not sure what was going on. In any event, she's been missing for over 24 hours now. We have looked, called for her, called animal control, shelters, put up posters.....just about all we can think of. PLEASE pray for us that we find her. She is our first baby......we love her dearly and it would be a huge loss for us as a family! We will keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

the hoins's are praying...terner included!

Kimberly said...

This is horrible! I hope she'll come home! :(

andrea said...

Ab...this is so sad! We will be praying that Maci returns home safely!

Jonny P. said...

OH AB!!! I am so sorry!! I will be praying that someone finds her! Does she have a micro chip? -stace-