So it is now 1:45pm.
I am still in my jammies.
I am just thinking about trying to make lunch.
The house is in shambles with boxes, paper and toys scattered everywhere.
And all seems calm & bright for me!
Griff & Ry are outside riding his BRAND NEW RED BIKE!!! & Beanie is taking his snooze for the day. On top of all of that, it's Christmas. The first Christmas I have EVER spent in my own home. And it has been blissful. (and after a call from all my family at Gramee Sapp's house last night, a little sad too) Ry said it best, "a little bitter with a lot of sweet" when "seasons" of life change and staying home this year is definitely a change for Ryan & I as we have both always spent Christmas in Nebraska! We may not do this every year, well just take it one at a time, but we have sure enjoyed the R & R that this year brought and the way we were able to take in the magic of it all instead of scurrying from thing to thing...but we realize that there's magic in that too:)!
I know I have been picture heavy lately, but I guess the pictures tell the story better than I could! We started Christmas off yesterday at our bulletin board with the final sticker on our advent calendar and a survey of all the amazing cards on it! We LOVE seeing all the smiling faces up there of all our loves!! Then we had an awesome service at our church and all 4 us attended the BIG service and loved bopping to the music!
When we got home we tried to get a few Christmas shots, which as you can see turned out, well, not so great...or hilariously well, depending on how you look at it....:)
Our night then started in on a long list of Christmas craziness...starting with these dog houses for Snoopy, which turned out to be a little more sticky (and by that I mean the icing literally could have been used to lay real bricks) than Griffin & I planned. But we mustered through and came up with 3 (although pretty sad) dog houses. Griffin never seemed to oh well.
Dinner & dessert were delish! Griff set the table...
Bean loved the beans (of course!) and jello the best! And everything else too!
And Ryan & I sprung for beef YUM!
Next came Christmas jammies, stockings, Cars 2 & popcorn...
In the stockings??? Our new tribe of SUPERS! 2 boys & (1) der.woman!!
And as cheesy as it sounds, the only real bummer of the night was that our little wonder woman wasn't with us (in the flesh at least) to share in our family fun! She did kick the whole time though, as if to say...don't forget about me! Don't worry little girl, we haven't and next year you'll be right in the mix! Can't wait!
Griff & Ry got cookies ready for Santa before bed and I got cookies ready for my 3 favorites!
And the cookies must have done the trick because Santa left some good loot for 2 little boys who made the "nice" list!
We opened & played the rest of the day!
Meet BIG chomp & lil chomp, the newest members of our family. Both boys went to sleep with lil & BIG respectfully tonight.
Last but not least, my favorite gift, hand wrapped & painted by G himself at preschool. So cute!
Love these boys. Love this family. Love spending the day at home with them. LOVE celebrating the reason for every teeny little JOY we have, Jesus, with them!
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