Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Holly Jolly Days
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas Love from the boys:)
Our Christmas love to you!!
Our 2010 (in a nutshell):
The first half of 2010 in our house was spent watching Abbi’s belly GROW and GROW and wondering how on earth another little person would fit into our life & hearts….and if we’re being honest, if/when Griffin would ever become potty trained. We ran/wattled like crazy from gymnastics to church to play dates and on a few trips. We watched Griffin turn 3, get his tonsils taken out & start talking up a storm. We loaded our house up with diapers and wipes and busted out more baby equipment than one creature weighing under 10 pounds should ever need, and to Ryan’s chagrin, with more than 3 months left in the pregnancy. We soaked up time together with just Griffin and we wondered and dreamed about baby #2.
The second half of 2010 brought our family our very own “little something!” He is a small, red headed, bouncing ball of baby bliss that we lovingly call Sawyer or more often than not “Beanie.” To say that each of us adore him and who we are as a family now is an understatement. We have found it is true that love does only get bigger, our hearts have effortlessly made more room and our life is now much more FULL….of shenanigans and brothers and permanent marker on our walls and tiny baby clothes and going to work on very few hours of sleep and precious baby snuggle time and hysterical 3 year old chit chat and songs (such as chinkle chinkle little dar) and figuring out life all over again. Griffy started preschool, gave up diapers (YEAH!!) and also naps (bummer). Beanie smiles, topples & rolls, cries in his car seat (Lord help us) and is just starting to laugh (we can’t wait)! Right before our eyes our boys are becoming brothers and we are savoring the everyday miracles that God is providing!
Now that we are sliding into the home stretch of this jam-packed year we are stopping to awe at all God has done. Most specifically the “little something” he sent over 2000 years ago in Jesus us to SHOW us how BIG his love is. We continue to look up in wonder!
May you be filled with BIG LOVE!
Ryan Patrick . Abigail Elaine . Griffin Andrew. Sawyer Richard