Tuesday, December 23, 2008
...Christmas of LOVE (part 1)
#6. 1.2.3. Ryan. Abbi. Griffin. Family time starting new traditions, having dance parties to Chris Brown, Jordan Sparks, & Beyonce, playing in Elmo's restaurant together, opening gifts (and screaming when anyone unwraps!), just plain eating together...I feel so blessed to have my own little family in my own little place in this great big world.
#8. Sussies...unexpected surprises!
#9. PHOTOS and Christmas cards...and letters in general!
#10. SUGARLAND. My musical obsession. I was only going to do 10, but I have to put this one on here. I wish I was Jennifer Nettles. I want my hair to look like hers, Ryan thinks I may be stalking her...the song LOVE and ALREADY GONE and EVERYDAY AMERICA.....loving it, loving it!
#11. GOD. This sounds cheesy,I know...but I am so relived that He's got the whole world in his hands and He's the man with the plan....because if it was my plan I would still be sitting in bed wallowing. His PRESENCE in my life is my favorite PRESENT even though I don't always live...think...act like it, I am trying.
Thanks God, for sending your little bundle to earth. I know that I must be on your "favorite things list" because, I can't begin to imagine this kind of sacrifice, but I am humbled and grateful and trying to live out the hope of it daily.
And now I will pass this along...what are your favorite things???Am I the only one with this problem??

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
'Cause every girl's crazy about a sharp dressed man...
It was freezing today, but we were out of necessities and we were straight up going to be eating stale chips and some crusty marshmallows if we didn't hoof it to Walmart. So, off we went. I wanted to bundle us both up like big fluffy marshmallows (clearly not like the ones in my pantry that are stale and not so fluffy anymore) so we busted out the Nebraska slicky suit and the black with purple highlights boots...very classy. When we were finished Griffin looked circa 1994...this is what most of the boys in my 3rd grade class wore to school. He still stole my heart though...he has his ways:). He wasn't so sure about the boot look at first but by the end of Walmart we were loving the tap dancing we could do in our shiny boots when we run...happy winter days!
We need a little Christmas...and we got some!
Even at 18 months when G doesn't understand the whole Christmas concept, it is still hard to wait to open presents....he has opened his Elmo doll 3 times. I finally just decided to hide it...I can't figure out how he knows which box it is, but it seems he is never short on surprises for me!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
It's going to be the hap hap happiest Christmas

Griffin puts on a scarf and wonders if he can go too???