Well, well, well...
Look who's 5 months old...going on 16 already!
I feel like my sweet baby isn't too interested in staying a baby...
but with these wild boys to play with I guess I would want to get up and go too...if for no other reason than in the name of self defence! Ha ha! And since I haven't posted anything since she turned 4 months, you can tell it's been wild around here!!
Crosbi, you are so so busy.
You shocked us over Labor day weekend by arming crawling for my watch while you played on the floor, so we now have 3 mobile children (Heaven help me!!). You're as smiley as ever, which we absolutely LOVE about you but you have also developed a few bad habits too...like crying in the car and only really wanting mommy (I only have 15 minuets to workout at the gym before I hear your cries coming down the hall to get me!!)! I don't really mind that too much though, because I know they'll be a day you want me to drop you off a block away, so I'll savor the sweetness of you on my hip!

You in your first restaurant high chair (propped up by some blankies)! You LOVED being able to take it all in!!!
You continue to be the hit of the family with your brothers who have a game/war that they play almost daily called "MY BABY" where they yell "my baby" back and forth over you. This almost always results in a wrestling match and tears for at least 2/3 of you. I think it's really sweet in a "I wish they'd pledge their loyalty to you in a peaceful manner" kind of way. Ha ha!

You and Griffin share mutual adoration for each other and he loves to sing to you and hold you.

Beanie, on the other hand adores you but you are still a little cautious with him, this picture says it all, haha! But that's not to say you don't have a very sweet relationship!! Every waking moment he is concerned for your whereabouts and loves to "baby talk" you. He has the cutest "hiiiiiii" he always greets you with!
As Griffin told us last night, "it's a madhouse here!" And that's the truth, but we love it and we love you.

You in your first restaurant high chair (propped up by some blankies)! You LOVED being able to take it all in!!!
You continue to be the hit of the family with your brothers who have a game/war that they play almost daily called "MY BABY" where they yell "my baby" back and forth over you. This almost always results in a wrestling match and tears for at least 2/3 of you. I think it's really sweet in a "I wish they'd pledge their loyalty to you in a peaceful manner" kind of way. Ha ha!

You and Griffin share mutual adoration for each other and he loves to sing to you and hold you.

Beanie, on the other hand adores you but you are still a little cautious with him, this picture says it all, haha! But that's not to say you don't have a very sweet relationship!! Every waking moment he is concerned for your whereabouts and loves to "baby talk" you. He has the cutest "hiiiiiii" he always greets you with!
As Griffin told us last night, "it's a madhouse here!" And that's the truth, but we love it and we love you.
It's funny how we remember certain moments in our life so well, and last year at this time, while I was newly preggers with you seems like almost yesterday to me. I can remember feeling so sick and having so much excitement and anticipation for you...I was wondering what #3 was going to be like...would you be a girl???...how will it be with 3 kids??? Now I know this will surely be remembered as such a "sweet spot" in my life. My children are all here and so precious. Crosbi, you are worth every side effect and struggle that I have gone through and more. YOU have brought so much joy to my life and completed this family. I tried to remember when I lost a baby between the boys and in the moments of stress and defeat during the "family making" years that God had our family planned out perfectly and I would just have to trust. Standing where I am now, I couldn't have planned anything even remotely better and I am thankful for each step along the way, good and bad. What was once just a hope in my heart has become my beautiful family. Last Fall I bought this little skirt and leggings for a baby girl and this weekend when I put them on you the sense that you are just a dream come true washed over me again and again!
Another glorious month of you lived, and many many more to come!!
We are blessed little one!
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