Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Suz, My Mom

This past week and a half hasn't been my favorite. It has been busy with "busyness" if you know what I mean. Plus, we've taken out stock in Kleenex, toilet paper & anything else around to wipe runny noses. I got the ever so common cold topped elegantly with a yeast infection, oh and did I mention that I am pregnant with a very LARGE baby?? Poor Beanie went to the doc only to come away with pneumonia, a double ear infection and medication that induces diarrhea. So we have that going for us. All this too say, I've been a little down. And you know what, suddenly my mom showed up. In the midst of several things going on in her life and not to mention the fact that I haven't been exactly the little ray of sunshine I am sure she would prefer, she asked me to text her my grocery list, came to my house to bring me them so I didn't have to go out & then took Griffin for the afternoon so Beanie & I could get some rest. I can't tell you how much I needed that. I feel so much better after an afternoon "off". My dad always says, no body loves you like your mom, and he's right. Who else can be there for you like that but your own mom??

My mom has her faults, just like we all do but sometimes I just can't believe how blessed I am to be her daughter. My mom is a gracious host and more generous with her time, talents & possessions than I can believe (when I feel like being selfish and stingy with things I ask myself, WHAT WOULD SUZI DO??). She is great at making people feel special, she is faithful, kind, a shelter for all of her kids. She loves our friends and their kids and their parents for that matter. She makes it to/has made it to as many activities and events over the years as possible, and there have been some real dosies...track meets in the pouring rain & badmitton (Ali:)!!). She's a volunteer, a helper & a good friend. She lives the importance of putting God and then my dad first. Not only that, she has always pushed me to extend to my fullest potential. She made me do and try things I totally didn't want to, and you know what...I liked most of them. She's not my problem solver, but she will pray and help me when I have a problem. She never let me give up on things just because they were hard. She never said, just come home and I will fix this, she always said, you can fix this and I will be there to pray along side of you. She raised me to be independent, to live on my own, to raise my own family in confidence. She let me go knowing that doing so would bless my life. She guided me in to adulthood, but I still love her and need her like a child at heart...and that I know will never change. She does little things for me that bless me all the time, just because...lunch out, water bottles & easy mac at her house stocked up for the boys & the occasional grocery run. I could run out my whole blog with stories and toasts to her.

For now, I will just say this. I am about to become a mom to my 3rd child. I have a lot on my mind about how it's going to go...can I love them all enough?, can I do this?, will it all come together?? I can already hear my mom saying, yes of course you can. And then in the beat of my own heart, I can hear myself saying yes you can, and you have a great example of how to do it. And you can because she gave you all the right tools, love, pushes & shoves where need be & confidence to live out your life the way God planned for you to.

Thanks mom. I really can't tell you how much I love you or how thankful I am to be your daughter.


Casey said...

suz is my hero :)

Mary Beth said...

Love, Love this. Your mom really is special and so are you! xoxo