Today you are 7 months old.
In 7 months we have come up with all kinds of names to call you and they bounce around the walls of our house all day from the lips of every one of our family members. We call you Crosbi and Crosbi Lucille, naturally. But then there's Griffin & I and we like C Lu, C Luia, Crozi and the ever adorable Crozi Lu Whoooooo. And Beanie started off just calling you "bay bay" but now he's advanced to Cosbi and when he's really feeling it he throws in a Lucille as well (it's precious, I wish you could hear it in his sweet 2 year old voice). And lastly, there's your dad who loves to call you beautiful...just beautiful. I love to hear it when he walks through the door or when he catches a glimpse of your smile down the hall. I hope he calls you that for long long time, long enough that you know it's meaning. And know that we have thought that from the moment we saw a (+) on the pregnancy test, then your profile on the screen at the ultra sound, and when we held you in our arms for the first time...and every day since then. Your life is such a beautiful little gift. Ok, not little...BIG, your life is a beautiful BIG gift and you are a beautiful little girl,
inside and out.
So dad is right (as he is a lot you will dad usually is too).

and you're quite the character to boot with quite the hair!

and you're quite the character to boot with quite the hair!
Before you even turned 7 months you started booking it down the hall and pulling yourself up on the stairs and then the other night you climbed up a few. And so now I need to get out gates and figure out how to contain you. The other day you were playing by the stairs and I was cooking so I asked Griff to watch and make sure you didn't fall. No more than 2 minutes later I heard a thunk and ran to the stairs where you were laying crying at the bottom. When I asked Griffin (who was sitting right there) why he didn't help you, he simply replied, "Mom, you said go help Crosbi and watch her if she falls, so I did!" I can assure you hunny that it's not what I meant. And Griffy will laugh at himself one day too.
This month you had your first Halloween, and you were a pumpkin...or maybe at the very least a Halloween enthusiast with very cute tights! You also have stopped and started to love eating. Whew! I was worried for about 2 weeks, but we got it all figured out and now you're mostly loving the apple, pear, rice & baby brekki mixes we're stirring up for you. And we, of course, are loving you. These next few months are going to overflow with fun and I can't wait to introduce
my beautiful girl to all the joy they hold.
my beautiful girl to all the joy they hold.
Your Momma