So I may go a tad indulgent on these pics from our 7 month mini session:)!
I am in love with these pics because taking them was quite battle for the two of us due to the fact that.....
Beanie man is crawling!!
Yes folks, he is ON THE GO, and my whole life is about to change!
Even though he was constantly moving towards me and trying to eat the camera lens, I still got a few smiles and captured those baby blues! You rocked up on your knees all month buddy, and now you can finally get somewhere!
So Beanie, at 7 months you are really coming out of your shell...
Those smiles light up my day especially now that you have 6, yes 6 adorable little teeth. When ever I see you flash your top ones I can't help but chuckle at the precious teeny gap between the two of them. You full out giggle and Griffin endlessly tries to get it out of you by pretend hiccuping which for some reason always makes you laugh:)!
And teeth lead us to eating, which is something you LOVE! In fact you ate your first Cheerio just today! I can't get enough of watching you bring a puff to your mouth! It takes SO much concentration on your part and you work so hard just to get that little guy in there and then you chomp it proudly between your gums and smile! You haven't been super picky thus far, everything I have made you gobble right up. Here's a few quick shots of some of the Beanie food making process, this was steamed pears and then we added bananas!
This is you ready to partake of some delishious baby delicacies! You are such a BIG boy in your high chair.
You love to play, watch Griffy and if I am on this LOVE to move towards the screen and tap your gooey fingers on all the keys! You love it when we sing and dance for you! You are finally giving up one of your night time feedings (fingers crossed), so I think in the next few weeks here I may be able to catch up a little on sleep
Here you are sitting, a skill you have confidently mastered now, even in the tub! Guess what eles I saw you do in the tub just tonight? Try and pull yourself up, oh boy I am in trouble!
You are really hitting a phase here where almost every day brings something new for you. It's really exciting and a little bitter sweet too. I am putting away the "baby" baby stuff, your swing and bouncy seat and moses basket have to go downstairs and wait for the next *God willing* Eccleston baby and we'll trade them for outlet plugs and gates. You are still my boy for sure, and I really do love that we have that little bond and will take it as long as I can. The days to hold you and snuggle you and be the one to calm you down and smooch you all over are numbered so I am trying to cherish each one! On the other hand though, if you stayed little I would never know if your hair really is going to curl or not when it gets longer and what your teeth will look like all grown in and what it will be like to hear you call me mom so I guess I will have to let you go...I can't wait to watch all of those mysteries unfold!

Lastly, here is the orange blankie shot! It took way more work to get it this time because you immediately want to flip to your tummy and skiddadle when I lay you down, but we got one...even if you are practicing some baby yoga moves in it!:)
Happy 7 months sweet boy!