Just as fast as the snow has came and went from our yard, the Holidays are here and gone! Went by in a blur, and we jammed a lot in! On Christmas Eve day we trekked across Illinois and Iowa at 5:30 am! My sweet neighbors who had to dig me out of our driveway the night before thought we were a little crazy but it wouldn't be Christmas without a treacherous drive to Nebraska for us....been doing it all my life! Christmas eve we got ready at Ryan's parents house and then we to his Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner and wrapped up the night at my G & G's. The next day we celebrated at the Eccleston's and then drove to Lincoln for the Richard family celebration. I was once again bad about getting enough pics but I have a few...

gg & grandpa

toting around his new "travel luggage"

The Eccleston Clan

My beautiful Sister in laws!

Auntie Kelly
We had a great few days in Nebraska visiting with friends and hanging with family. We even squeezed in a wedding of our dear friend Michaela from college and had so much fun reuniting with the college crew...

The boys reliving the "glory days"
Mckay, the GORGEOUS bride and friends

Another night of Super Couple BLISS
Acting strange...things fall back into place so easily!
And we wrapped up our holiday binge with our friends the Mick's for the New Year...
Erin, in the middle is my friend from church and Griffin's favorite playmate too:)! Her son Charlie is now 1 and we spend a lot of time strolling around together!
looks like a great time in nebraska! bummer that we never get to see you...but at least i have your blog to get my eccleston-fix.
fun fun fun over christmas!
I have to admit to being very jealous that we weren't in those pictures. We miss you guys tons!
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