Did you all read this little tid bit of delicious bad moodiness when you were in school???
I did.
And I have had a few "terrible horribles", so Alexander and I are kindred spirits.
Aren't we all?
I mean, haven't we all gone to a Cost Cutters in Jr.High, had our sister throw a fit about going first and then when Rinaldo, the...how do I put this delicately??....super odd duck, calls the first back, she graciously allows you to go first. We all know what's coming....getting layers for the first time from someone working at a Cost Co who looks like he may or may not have just left his life as a circus performer to try his hand at cuttin' hair results in a style where your family chips in to buy you a hat. True story, too bad good ole JJHS didn't allow hats. Cue the trail of tears for several days....months....ok it may have taken a solid year or two to get over.
didn't you ever arrive at gym class in high school only to have them announce you are going to start TAP. Yes, TAP. Annnddddd....they don't have tap shoes big enough for your delicate little tootsies. So they have you go get your shoes so they can pound tappers right into the bottoms. And you were wearing these.....

(cue snickers...they are odd, but in style at the time??? and odd...haha!)
So on this particular "terrible, horrible" I tapped my way into the hearts of my fellow gym mates wearing navy shorts, a grey NNHS t-shirt, and my beloved tappers.
Side note: everyone else was wearing tiny, cute, little, shiny, "eat your heart out from adorableness" tap shoes...with bows.
Then they passed out hats and canes.
First, do not ask where I went to high school. Just don't ask.
Second, please don't ask if I came down with a case of happy feet. I surely did not. I felt clunky and over sized and just, well ODD in a room full of mirrors tap, tap tapping.
In all seriousness, these two are of coarse not the epitome of bad days, just some of the more humorous to me now. And all this to say I am having one, scratch that....because if you ask my hubby or kiddos they might tell you the truth...it's week, one bad week. I am crabby and tired and cranky...and did I mention that I have shingles??? Well, I do. It's painful and the real deal folks. Even though they look like a few little bug bites they feel like you just rolled over on an iron. So please, if your love bug ever gets them, make sure you give them some extra lovin...but don't hug them where they got shingles...cause that would hurt. Just send them a plate of cookies and your sincere condolences.
I really wanna wrap this post up in a nice little package with coordinating bow, but I have to admit I am just a titch cranky still. I am working on it, I swear. And, there are lots of things helping me slowly emerge from my funk....imagining myself tapping, for starters.
And the beautiful cooler weather with open windows at night, I can smell my favorite season coming right through the screens...I love you Fall:)!
And of coarse this man...
My built in little ray of sunshine. He gets me, and loves me and puts up with me. I couldn't be MORE lucky!!! Thanks for helping this little rain cloud get a little bit more white & fluffy!!
I also have 2 toothy grins that follow me around all day exploding with adorableness...exhaustingly adorable:)!
Annnnnnnnddddd....my shingles are getting less painful by the day. PRAISE THE LORD.
Cheers to "Terrible Horribles"!!! Thanks for bad days. They make me realize how in need of your grace & strength I am. They make me appreciate feeling good, when things are running smoothly, when I get a good nights sleep and all the good little details in between. And they make me realize that I can't do this without you. I am totally unequipped. And, if it's not too much trouble...help me ditch my little rain cloud...I am more of a walking on sunshine kind of lady.