Well friends, I am now entering into a world full of boys since baby #2 is most definitely a B.O.Y, no if ands or buts:)! He gave us a clear shot....

As always, Monday was nerve wrecking, exciting, and amazing to see the little tiny person living in my tummy. I layed down on the table and the tech got going right away checking out the heart, brain and all the other major organs which all seem to be there and in the right place. Then she moved her wand down just as I looked over at the screen and she asked if I for sure wanted to know the sex. Well, I had already seen the above image and yelled out boy! All I could do is just laugh. Neither of my boys have been shy in the ultra sound about revealing their sex. Griffin gave us the same shot! We laughed more as she finished up the ultrasound and the tension seemed to melt away as she kept checking off the things that looked good on the screen! The doctor even walked into the room looking at the pic of the spine and told what a beautiful one he has, which is something that diabetics worry about! Here are the rest of my son's pictures....he has such a cute profile and I can't wait for him to be snuggled in this little ball in my arms!
9 oz body!
Such a blessing of a day to get such great news that the baby is looking and growing right on track. Ryan and I are both amazed that we are going to have 2 boys to love, raise and chase relentlessly after. We both took the rest of the day to adjust to the way our family is going to look. We both would still love to add a little girl to our mix, but we know that having a set of brothers is going to be an experience like no other and we can't wait to watch these boys grow together. It's going to be a wild ride.
As we speak, Griffin and I are having Movie Morning Wednesday and watching his absolute favorite movie, Cars, which he could talk about for hours on end and does! I am thinking about how many more times the boys and I will watch this movie (their equivalent to the great Little Mermaid of my time:)!!) and play trucks, choo choos, jump through puddles and stomp in the snow. Luckily for me, I spent most of my early life being a tom boy and playing basketball so I am ready to get dirty with my boys and see what kind of shenanigans they come up with. There will be many I am sure of it! For me now, I have 3 precious boys in my life and I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams by each one.
He does have a name too, but writing it here makes it seem so official, so we are going to call him it for a while at home before we announce it! We are pretty darn sure though...it fits him already:)! I have a c-section all scheduled for mid July, and I can't wait to post the first pics of my sweet new babe then!
On another note, Ryan's cousin Melissa is having surgery on Friday so we want to send up prayers for her as she prepares and undergoes the procedure! We love you Melissa!
already a show-off like his dad.
i love him!
woo!!! two boys is GREAT NEWS! and GREAT FUN!! You're so funny when you write so also can't wait to hear the crazy stories. Aren't babies so fun. =) SIGH.
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