Wow, can it already long summer??? Where in the world did the time go? It seems like I was just anticipating the buzz of the kids that fill our streets when it's nice out, tank tops, flip flops, and lazy lake days. What has added to rush of summer flying by is that most of our summer can't be qualified as "lazy"! I can't even remember the last weekend we were home without company. Our neighbors bring up the piles of newspapers that collect on our driveway each weekend without asking now...because they assume we're gone. Maybe though what makes it seem like it has come and gone without me knowing is the speed that my son flies through life. There is NOTHING "LAZY" about the way that boy moves. He is relentlessly in motion unless strapped down (and even then....) , asleep, or pretending to talk on the phone(the only activity so far which has held any of his interest for more than 10 seconds!) I am trying to soak in each precious moment, each phase, each tiny mannerism of his...but he is moving so fast that it is hard to freeze frame the moment. Sometimes I catch myself wishing it away in fact.
Yesterday I was in Lowe's (to pick up more kid proofing supplies ((SHOCKER)) can never have enough lathes, hooks, and stops when you live with one of these little people) and Griffin was throwing a huge tantrum about sitting in the cart. When I finally ran down an employee to point me in the right direction, I was about to just throw my own tantrum. It was a loooong day with no nap, followed by bought of extreme crankiness. As the man from Lowe's walked me to the child proofing section he looked at my screaming child and said, "aren't children wonderful?"
I looked at Griffin and then tried to decide if he was kidding. I looked back at his face and realized he wasn't. He smiled wistfully at Griffin and went on to tell me he has 6 boys. He said that the last one is 19 and about to move out. He couldn't believe it was already time for them all to be gone from his house (I am at this point tearing up in Lowe's...and thinking he is crazy....he did say 6 BOYS!!). He walked me down the aisle and looked one more time at Griff, reminding me to savor the moment. It's like he was oblivious to the whole tantrum and could only see the little angelic smile Griffin likes to give. I am pretty sure that the angel though, was him...God's little reminder to me that no matter how busy we are, how frustrating things are, or how big of a tantrum we all feel like (or are) throwing, to enjoy the moment....because like the summer it will be gone before we know it! Griffin has grown so much this summer....8 front teeth, 4 molars, waves, talks a little bit, and shakes his head yes to any question...which can get pretty funny!
So in savoring the moment, here are some pictures to recap some sweet summer moments of the last few weeks! ENJOY!
Celebrating the 4th at Grand Beach
More Grand Beach with couisn Max

Exploring the zoo with Caroline and Jacob (the kids I babysat for this summer)

Swimming with daddy
We know summer, although not gone, is winding down. Caroline and Jacob are going back to school in few short weeks...stores are full of school supplies and pumpkins, and we are planning and looking forward to the next season and all the "pictures" it will bring us! Stay tunned!