Hoppy Easter Everyone!
I just uploaded these pics from Easter and realized that I haven't downloaded, updated the blog or printed any pictures since before Christmas. I guess that's what happens when you become a large pregnant woman running after a very agile toddler:)!
It's not a fast paced life all the time though, every once in a while he stops to love on me and that gets us through until the next time we both need a break!
This last month has been absolutely crazy at our house, between guests visiting here and us traveling out and about, plus baby check ups (all looks good so far), warm weather to play in, a bridal shower in Nebraska for Ryan's sister Kelly, time with friends and family....and just the daily in and out we have had a full calendar! I am hopeful that April will be a month we can just get some things done around here...maybe get the babe's room fixed up and the rest of our house in working order! Plus enjoy the Spring that is finally here and we were in such desperate need of:)!
Ryan & I are just heading into this week feeling so blessed....
There is lots for us to smile about as we move into April...the 3.5 month count down to baby E, Spring time, bikes out, projects getting done and G man has already got a head start on the grins....
Love him!