When I woke up this morning I was coming off a bad nights sleep, tossing, turning, and wondering. I was hopeful that meeting our dear friends at church this morning and getting some worship in would feed my soul a little but God knew I needed more than that. The sermon today was talking about an event that had happened at our church last weekend called Barbecue and Baptism, which is our church's yearly event to Baptize and celebrate with members of our church and community. We weren't able to be there because we were at the lake house with my family. It was moving and comforting to hear people talk about how God was moving in their lives but I was starting to feel pretty anxious at church anyways. Then at the end of the service our pastor said he just felt lead to baptise more people this weekend who may not have been able to last weekend. He called it an impromptu baptism, they way it was done back in the book of Acts. He went out, bought a pool, and clothes for people and he invited who ever felt lead to do so. He even said, "I have all the things you need to do the baptism today, you have no excuse, even if your parents are in Omaha (which mine were!!!), because we have a camera right here and they can see it later!"! I just felt so moved to go, so I hugged Ryan and walked to the back of the church.
I got baptised this morning (again) and it felt really freeing. I was baptised by my parents as a babe, but that was there way of giving my life and their parenting over to the Lord...and I have to say guys you surely did raise me to know and love God, job well done! This morning I knew I was at kind of a cross roads if you will. I could go on fighting these thoughts pretty faithless (as I have been feeling) or I could decide to go at them with God at my side believing that this world and everything in it is his and is happening under his watch. He can make changes in one snap to any circumstance, as he did when he got up on that cross and died so that we could even be here today finding hope in a world that seems full to the brim with problems. I can't say that my anxiety has just magically gone away, but I can say that I am now awear of whose team I am on. This morning was a very important reminder of that. I am so blessed that God reached down and met me where I needed him to. I am sure the others that were baptised felt the same. He is amazing guys, I am serious:)!
Thanks to the awesome leadership team at our church who made this possible! I am just so thankful for the reminder that God is in charge, and hopefully this has reminded some of you! God is SO GOOD!
Oh, and thanks Erin for the pics:)! You're the best!