Our travels this summer included a trip to none other than (I'm sure you guessed it), NEBRASKA! While there we had the awesome experience of being involved in the Ashland Stir Up days. For those of you who don't know, Ashland is a small town between Omaha & Lincoln where my family is from. My great grandparents on the Richard side went to school in Ashland, both sets of my grandparents lived there while raising their kids, my Grandma Richard taught at the elementary, my parents started dating in Jr. High at AGPS, and I had the great privilege of teaching 2nd grade there for 2 years. I loved being part of this community which has meant so much to my family. It is such a cool thing for me to now bring my son to be a part of the yearly celebration in the town.
Great Grandpa Sapp is now the proud owner of 6 antique tractors. He gathered up some boys in the family to drive them in the Stir Up Days parade Saturday morning. Here's us with Ry as he came by. It was a stick, but he did really great...only killed it once:)!
This is at Great Aunt Mary's farm in Ashland. We're smiling with one of her Goats, who G was pretty terrified of. I thought they were adorable, but once again, Ryan said we can't have any goats at our house...what a fun hater:)!
Posing on Uncle Kevin's tractor! It was huge and really amazing! We'd love to go back during harvest and see it in action!
Griff & Cousin Austin walking around the Zig's shop! There was so much to look at, climb on, and ride. We gotta get him back there!
Whoa! It's Captain Max & 1st Mate Griffin! These pirates are adorable! They rode so great in this little peach of a pirate ship Suz & I created the morning before(ha!!)! You never know what project you are going to tackle when you get to Granmee and Grandpa's! We were in this kiddie parade when we were kids...most famously as Snow White & the 7 dwarfs, and I got to be Snow White!!
Best part of the parade....CANDY! Griff is going to have Halloween down this year!
Hi Grandpa Wayne! You look good up there!
Cousin Love
So as you can see a great time was had by all in "God's Country"! We're always excited getting back to our roots, seeing family and friends, and just being back in a place we know and love! It's refreshing to be in a small town in the Midwest that still operates that way, there aren't too many left and it's really sweet! We're blessed to have the history and connection there. Other highlights from our trip included lots of good down time with Ry's family, a beach day with my family, & a visit with Lindsey and Lyla (see below)! This visit has us saying, as always...
There is no place like